
Students are carried into various activities like art, craft, music, plantation, singing, dancing, oral & written communication, yoga, audio visual learning and many more to enrich the mind of student and make them more creative.

  • Interactive whiteboards and visualizers in every classroom and dedicated ICT lesions in our computer suites where your child will be taught by trained and qualified computer tutors. A large focus on sports each week including dance, aerobics, gymnastics and games.
  • A large focus on the arts with many performances by your child for you to come and watch and enjoy during their time at the school.
  • A well- stocked computerized library.
  • And last but not least a highly trained, committed and dedicated staff teaching and supporting your child through the learning journey of their Primary career.
  • School Events
    The children take home a newsletter from the school at least once a month. Please take note of any dates for the following events which are a minimum of what is usually happening during the course of a school year.
  • Summer Term
    Sports Day, Non Uniform Day (s), Sponsored Event, Class/Whole School Photograph, Library Visit, Library Visit , School Performance
  • Autumn Term :
    Individual/Sibling photographs, Parent’s Evenings, Book Fair Non Uniform Day(s), Library Visit , Festivals Performances, Festivals Parties
  • Spring Term
    Parents’ Evenings, Sponsored Events, Book Fair, Non Uniform Day(s), Variety Show, World Book Day, Library Visit, End of Year Report
  • General :
    Regular Football/Netball Matches , Regular Year Group Trips/Visits, Yearly Class Assemblies
  • Indoor Sport
    There is a strong emphasis on sports and enjoyment at the school. Your child will experience at least 3 hours of quality sport per week over their Primary career.
  • Library
    The school has a well-equipped library with over 1500 of reading material, both fiction and nonfiction. Every class has a timetables period with a member of staff to browse or change books. All books borrowed are a child’s responsibility and if a book is lost you may be charged for a replacement. In addition to the school’s main library each class has its own bank of reading books for your child to enjoy. The school is using the highly recommended scheme, details of which are available from your child’s teacher.

Home Base Activities
Did you know that a child only spends 15% of their time from birth to age of 16 actually at school!-Home learning really counts!
Your child will receive home based activities at different levels and times depending on which year they are in at school. Some points that may be useful to remember with regard to homework...

  • A little quality time is better than a long slog.
  • Let your child take the lead, they will learn more that way.
  • Give your child lots of time to think.
  • Share the activity and talk about it.
  • Share your enthusiasm with your child and make it fun.
  • Praise your child for his/her efforts.
  • Resist the temptation to do the work for your child if he/she is finding it difficult .
  • If your child has difficulty with the homework on more than one occasion then discuss this with the teacher.
  • Negotiate a time and place for homework.
  • Encourage your child to explain the activity to you.

Years 1 and 2:1 hour per week *Years 3 and 4:1.5 hours per week* Years 5 and 6:30 minutes per day The school newsletter regularly gives guidance on additional learning activities you may wish to undertake with your child and the school website has some purposeful web links.

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